Showcase: Lisa(Mass.USA) Quilt Made Using Yokodana Kasuri Fabrics

Note about this page:
We like to post on our web site when people have creatively used our vintage Japanese kimonos and fabrics in their work, so we are happy to share here pictures and emails from Lisa of Massachusetts (USA). Below is her email to us about this creation, followed by various pictures:
Hello Yoko, This is the first quilt I’ve made. I know your sister is an outrageously accomplished artisan in this but, I wanted you to see what your bits and pieces in the hands of an amateur can become. It is the collection of both Arai Hari and deadstock from 50’s - to 80’s. The hand tie quilting is a combination of both double square knots and crosses utilizing Kogin variegated sashiko thread. Quilt back and binding are Moda grunge line. Your washing instruction/ironing advice crucially helpful. A minimum hand wash 3x for deadstock required. The quilting square sizes were doubled from pattern to show off the ikat/kasuri sensibility. The richness of the textures and indigo shading don’t show to their best advantage in my photos. I’m ecstatic with the result. Thank you for inspiring me. PS:...It is such a delight to check your site, but sometimes I feel like a losing gameshow contestant when I find a new posting that has already sold out. I completely agree with showcase Kasuri coat gal: the special treats that Yoko includes enabled me to have enough variety to achieve the variety in the quilt face. So appreciated and never taken for granted. Lisa Massachussets USA |