
Blog: Vintage Japanese Kimono Culture News

Fun Inspiration For Kimono Designs

February 15, 2025 Yoko Lewis

Generally speaking, we have design expectations for kimonos. We imagine silky or other very light fabrics, bright colors, and floral patterns, for instance. But a fashionable kimono can have any number of different designs. Particularly if you’re looking into designing kimonos for a specific event – for instance, they’re very popular gifts from a bride to her bridesmaids before a wedding – using a theme can be a great deal of fun. We’ll leave the specific designs to those of you who are interested in buying fabrics and doing the work on your own. But here are a few fun...

FYI: Re:USPS Ground Advantage Shipping to Off-Shore(Guam, Puerto Rico, Hawaii etc.)

July 19, 2024 Yoko Lewis

If you are in an off-shore location served by the US Postal Service (ex: Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico...), you may find this information helpful: Since the USPS last change to a new class of shipping, Ground Advantage, we have been tracking both transit times and postage costs for all our Ground Advantage-shipped USA customers . Since we recently have had situations where Ground Advantage(GA) packages shipped off shore took extremely long to be delivered, we wanted to make folks aware.... So, fwiw, our observations, first reported to our site members: ABOUT U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (USPS) GROUND ADVANTAGE SHIPPING; especially TO...

Aloha: Customer Using YokoDana Vintage Japanese Silks - Going Creative in Hawaii

July 05, 2024 Yoko Lewis

Aloha: Customer Using YokoDana Vintage Japanese Silks - Going Creative in Hawaii

Changes to Bulk Vintage Japanese Kimono Bundles -- Some Now Members-Only

May 17, 2024 Yoko Lewis

  Changes to Bulk Vintage Japanese Kimono Bundles on yokodana.com:1. INVENTORY/STORE UPDATES, May 17, 2024: Added the following bulk kimono packages and filling back-orders - 110-A: 'A' Package 10lbs kimonos 110-B: 'B' Package  10lbs kimonos 110-C: 'C' Package  10lbs Kimonos Cutters 110-KPCS3: 3Lbs Special Silk Antique-Vintage Pieces 110-HAORI5: Lot of 5 Haori List of all bulk kimono packages HERE. 2. CHANGES TO ROUTINELY OFFERED BULK KIMONO BUNDLES -- ARCHIVES - MEMBERS-ONLY; To learn about recent changes in what packages we now offer, please select 'ARCHIVES' BANNER BELOW:

Inspiring Quilt from YokoDana Kimono’s Upcycled Vintage Japanese Fabrics: Jane’s Story

April 06, 2024 Yoko Lewis

 April 6, 2024: Note from Yoko:One of our cherished customers, who's been with us for quite some time, recently shared a touching story about her journey with our vintage Japanese kimonos and fabrics. It's truly heartening to learn how these traditional textiles we offer have been repurposed by a talented textile artist/quilter, turning the fabrics into not just functional pieces, but also artistic symbols of kindness and comfort during difficult times. We are thankful to Jane for allowing us to share this here below. But Jane's experience isn't the only one like this that we've heard; in the past, when...