Shichi Go San: Keiki Kimono DressingShichi Go San, literally translated as “seven, five, three,” stems from the Meiji Era (1868-1912) when parents brought their kimono-clad children—girls, ages three and seven; and boys, age three and five—to Shintō shrines on November 15 and prayed for their children to have long and prosperous lives. Today, this coming-of-age custom has evolved to encompass all children regardless of their age. Children can dress up in elegant kimono and zōri (sandals) and capture the day with a professional photograph at this traditional event. This annual event is usually held in the middle of November.
Also, we found the story of how the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i came to be founded most interesting. Read their story HERE.Mahalo!
Shichi-Go-San: Boys | Childrens Day in Hawai'i --Introducing JCCH Hawai'i
February 08, 2017 • Yoko Lewis
Aloha to our Hawaiian customers and fans. We were browsing around the internet looking for any new pages about children's kimono and came across a page on the site of the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i (JCCH). We loved the picture so decided to share this here and at the same time introduce the JCCH to our web site visitors, fans and customers:
As we sell vintage Japanese children's kimono by-pound (Boys, Girls) we are always on the look out for quality information and coverage of things Japanese. So when we came upon the picture of the three adorable boys, and then read the Hawaiian center's web site, we were impressed. We particularly like their short but accurate description of the tradition of Shichi-Go-San in Japanese culture -- as we understand it, quoted here:
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