Meet Anji Salz, who owns a shop in Tokyo and blogs about same, as well as about kimonos, kimono fashion and Harajuku trends. I first found her blog sharing how she made a dress wrap from an unfinished kurotomesode (black formal kimono) and really liked the pic showing still another way to upcycle lovely vintage Japanese kimonos. I followed it to her blog to see many more visual treats, all of which support our assertion here at www.yokodana.com (YokoDana Kimono) that what we call 'kimono culture' is growing and spreading world-wide. So visit her site and enjoy pics of a recent kimono show in Tokyo --and more -- by clicking HERE.

Not sure of who this is in picture above (attribution wasn't clear in the blog post on tumblr.com) but found it one of my favorite sites which I follow on tumblr.com, thekimonogallery; They said this was from asheron02:Shiraishi Mai. (If owner of picture contacts us we'll put full credits here) . Regardless, something about the kimono colors, the different positioning of traditional motifs in a distinctly different fashion, plus the setting on an old Kyoto tram (which we've had the pleasure of riding in years past) spoke to us somehow. Again, kimono culture on the rise!

And then there's Susan Briscoe in Scotland. Let me explain: We are very partial to traditional indigo Japanese textiles, having grown up not far from Kurume in Kyushu Japan, where even now kasuri (made in the old fashion) is being produced. Also, many of our regular site visitors are people who make things using or dealing with traditional Japanese kimonos and designs and we like to share this sort of thing for them. So, our eye caught a blog post from Susan Briscoe, of a showing of her students' work at a recent show in Scotland. To check out more pictures of that event and learn more about Susan Briscoe please click HERE.

Well, we just love these old hanga (wood-block prints) so like to share them when we see one which strikes our fancy. This is by Utagawa Sadatora, "Hanamurasaki of the Tomaya", posted by thekimonogallery on tumblr.com