
Modern Kimonos from Jotaro Saito 2016: Old is New Again (Men's/Women's)

December 10, 2016 Yoko Lewis

2016 modern kimonos from jotaro.net
jotaro.net, mens kimonos 2016

The Old is New Again: 2016 Kimonos on the Runway in Japan

We came across the top picture of the modern woman's kimono while browsing Tumblr. We were struck by its beauty and went to the source, Jotaro Saito's Japanese website jotaro.net. Yes, we love (and sell) traditional vintage Japanese kimonos, but we have to say that these new creations of  kimono really caught our eye. We love the artistry of the kimonos made in by-gone eras, but are encouraged and even excited to see these contemporary kimono designs. We also are very pleased to see the designer including many kimonos for men.  We feel that this collection is just more validation of the timeless beauty and mystique of Japanese kimono, what we call kimono culture. Far from fading in the modern era, we see that the  love of Japanese kimonos is growing and spreading around the world. This collection by a Japanese designer is proof of that -- and, a sight for sore eyes.

To see many more pictures of Jotaro Saito's collection  (all as good as the kimonos we show here) please visit their site HERE.

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